Meet our Content Area Specialists
Sandy Craig, Reading Specialist
Monesha Stokes, Math Specialist
Title One
Fessenden Elementary is a Title I school based on our economically disadvantaged student population. Title I funds are used to give support to our low performing students to help them realize success in core curriculum areas. Most Title I dollars are spent on personnel that work directly with students (mainly the teaching of ELA and math assistance). Family events, parent trainings, staff development and software licenses are also purchased with Title I money.
Fessenden’s faculty and staff are proud to deliver a quality education designed to meet the needs of all students and ensure our students become self-sufficient, responsible citizens. By using the resources available at Fessenden, students will be able to continue to grow academically, as demonstrated by data.
Fessenden Elementary’s curriculum begins with the Florida State and Next Generation Sunshine State Standards. Our current English Language Arts (ELA) adoption is CKLA, which incorporates Science and Social Studies content into great text for the students to use. Our current Mathematics adoption is GO MATH! Florida. In addition to our adopted core materials, we supplement our core content with a variety of programs geared to challenge our students and assist those students that experience difficulty from time to time. Supplemental materials include: iReady, Read Naturally, REWARDS, Corrective Reading, Reading Mastery and Early Intervention Reading.
Our Fine Arts department is staffed with very talented and dedicated teachers. Our PE program is taught by Coach Maxwell and Coach Makey. Our Art program is taught by Ms. Juntunen and our Music program is taught by Mr. Barabas. The Media Center is led by Ms. Gokee. This department has given our students opportunities to excel in many ways as well as receive multiple recognitions for their outstanding work.